Chennai: at least 36 houses Tamil Nadu Houses of Urban Habitat Development Board Kannagi Nagar The structural hazard is being faced as the trenches dug four months ago to build a social welfare center are now filled with sewage. Residents say foundation pillars of apartment buildings have been exposed and walls have developed cracks.
Ward councilor Ashwini Karuna said that the sewage line of the entire block had broken while digging for laying the foundation of the welfare center four months ago. Now according to the government, it will cost about 55 lakhs to fix this problem.
local resident revati Said that due to digging sewage entered his house and electricity connection got affected. His mixer and grinder often broke down. He accused the officers of apathy.
The locals want a concrete cover over the dug pit, saying they cannot live in constant fear.
They also want the government to check for cracks in the houses and ensure structural stability. Vanessa, a social worker, said that TNUHDB Public concerns about the stability of their homes built in 2006 should be addressed. Work on the Rs 1.25-crore welfare center began four months ago but stalled after trenches were filled with water.
TNUHDB executive engineer Sivasankaran promised to take action to ensure safety.